
06/06 - Best Homes in Pike Road

Amenities, Homes, Lifestyle, School

The Pike Road community has quickly established itself as THE place to live, and The Waters serves as… Read more >

05/06 - Kids Club 2019

Amenities, Events, Lifestyle, School

Keeping Kids Busy this Summer: The Waters Kids Club Who else can feel it in the air? Summer… Read more >

05/01 - Music in May 2019

Amenities, Events, Lifestyle

Looking for a fun family event this spring? Join us at The Waters in Pike Road for Music… Read more >

04/23 - Mommy & Me Class

Amenities, Events, Lifestyle

Join Life Spring Fitness on Mother’s Day weekend for a group fitness special event on Saturday, May 11!… Read more >

04/19 - Flips & Food Trucks

Amenities, Events, Lifestyle

Join us Sunday, April 28th from 12-4PM at The Waters’ Town Square for furniture flips, food trucks and… Read more >

02/04 - #lovethewatersal 2019

Amenities, Events, Lifestyle

Do you love The Waters? Use the hashtag #loveTheWatersAL and tag us on Instagram (@thewaterspikeroad) in February for a… Read more >

12/15 - Ho Ho Ho!

Amenities, Events, Fishing, Homes, Lifestyle

Our halls are decked, so stop by for a bit of holiday cheer. Explore our beautiful community and… Read more >

11/23 - Thankful for...

Amenities, Events, Homes, Lifestyle

Happy Thanksgiving week! As we enter this week of thankfulness, we’re excited to highlight a few of the… Read more >

09/13 - Fall Festival 2018

Amenities, Events, Lifestyle

Our annual Fall Festival is always a neighborhood favorite. Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 20th. We’ll see you… Read more >

09/13 - 2018 Bass Buster Classic

Amenities, Events, Fishing, Lifestyle

Fishing spots for the 1st Annual Bass Buster Classic are all filled up, but we would love for… Read more >

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