The Calderone Family


We came to The Waters not expecting to stay. We thought we’d rent a place for a few months while we searched the Pike Road area for a few acres and a place to make a home. The first evening in our new place, some neighbors brought food and wine and introduced themselves; and things only got better from there. We never actually got around to looking for another property because we found ourselves involved in all of the events and happenings with neighbors and new friends we’d made. In pretty short order, we admitted to each other that we’d really just like to stay in The Waters and make a home of it. All this might seem fairly mundane until you consider the fact that Pike Road is our 15th location together in 30 years. We’ve lived a lot of places and could have chosen any of them, but The Waters has a sense of community that we never felt as strongly in any of the other locations. We love the place and the people.
– Carl Calderone


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