PRMS – Plans to Expand
Pike Road Middle School prepares to expand
Pike Road Schools is adding 12 classrooms at its middle school in anticipation of continued growth in the east Montgomery County community.
The construction will be completed in time for fall 2020 and aims to meet the greatest anticipated need of the school system during at least the next six years. The middle school is located at 4710 Pike Road.
“PRS leadership is thinking and planning for long-term needs not just the immediate needs,” said Rebecca Williams, communications and federal programs coordinator for Pike Road Schools (PRS).
There are now 567 learners, as the PRS calls students, at Pike Road Middle School. The addition of 12 classrooms will enable PRS to accommodate 330 more students at the campus, Williams added.
“PRS is fortunate to have a proactive and supportive school board dedicated to following our strategic plan,” she said. “After thoughtful consideration and discussion with school and district leadership, the Pike Road School Board voted to realign the campuses in…the fall of 2020.”
The move, Williams said, will mean the following for the fall of 2020:
The Founding Campus, Pike Road Elementary, will be the home of Pre-K through third grade.
The Historic Campus, Pike Road Middle School, will house grades 4-6.
And the Georgia Washington Campus, Pike Road High School, will serve grades 7 through 12.
“The Historic Campus is where we have the most space to build, and where we currently have the greatest need for classroom space,” Williams said. “Based on current enrollment projections derived from assessing our growth over the past four years and looking at the growth of other new school systems in Alabama that are similarly situated, these decisions should meet our educational space needs for the next six to seven years.”
New teachers will not be hired as a direct result of the added classrooms, but new instructors will come on board as student enrollment rises.
Williams explained that when the number of students increases, the PRS earns additional teaching units which are funded by the State Department of Education each fall.
She said that the additional space will allow more room for student movement, additional class offerings such as electives and possibly smaller class sizes.
At the end of May 2019, 502 students were attending Pike Road Middle School. That number grew to 567 this fall.
The numbers are expected to continue rising from the school year ending in May 2020 to the year ending in May 2021. “Projected growth district wide is 8%, from 2,179 to 2,353,” Williams said.
The excitement for the systems also includes honoring, and then sending off the first senior class.