Home Depot Foundation
Friday, November 2, Team Depot, the associate volunteer force of The Home Depot, will descend upon the Old Town Hall site in the heart of the historic Pike Road to complete several projects as part of a grant awarded to the town through the efforts of the Chantilly Parkway Home Depot store.
Jason Schoonhoven, store manager at the Chantilly Parkway Home Depot location, read about the development of the site in the town’s newsletter, and after speaking with Mayor Gordon Stone about the goals for the park, applied for the funds on behalf of the town. The Town of Pike Road was selected to receive $20,000 worth of materials and labor to complete the projects.
“We are often looked at as a big box retailer and though this may be true, our employees are local, and we give back because it is a fundamental value of The Home Depot and a passion for our associates. Through our Team Depot program, we bring together volunteerism, do-it-yourself expertise, product donations and monetary grants to support the communities where our associates and customers live and work,” said Schoonhoven.
Projects selected for funding through the Team Depot program are geared toward helping veterans. The grants are offered nationwide by The Home Depot Foundation, and every Home Depot store has the opportunity to participate. The November 2 work day in Pike Road will include landscaping and seating near the town’s new veterans memorial and improvements to the new municipal ball field at the site. Thanks to the Team Depot award, the veterans memorial improvements will be completed a week in advance of the monument’s dedication on Sunday, November 11.
“We were thrilled and humbled to find out that our local Home Depot had applied for this award on the town’s behalf,” said Mayor Gordon Stone. “This is the latest demonstration of this company’s commitment to this community, and we are grateful that our citizens will benefit as a result.”
Approximately 50-70 Home Depot associates from across the River Region will help complete the projects November 2. Work will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and community volunteers will help as well.
For more information, contact Mayor Gordon Stone at (334) 272-9883.
Information Source: Town of Pike Road