AdvancED Accreditation


Repost from the Pike Road School:

AdvancED Accreditation Recommendation for Pike Road Schools
The Pike Road School System hosted its first ever AdvancED (formerly SACS) accreditation review team January 16-18, 2018. This is their report:
The Engagement Review Team recommends to the AdvancED Accreditation Commission that the institution earns the distinction of accreditation for a five-year term. AdvancED will review the results of the Engagement Review to make a final determination, including the appropriate next steps for the institution in response to these findings. AdvancED provides the Index of Education Quality™ (IEQr M) as a holistic measure of overall performance based on a comprehensive set of standards and review criteria. A formative tool for improvement, it identifies areas of success as well as areas in need of focus. The IEQ is comprised of the Standards Diagnostic ratings from the three Domains: I) Leadership Capacity; 2) Learning Capacity; and 3) Resource Capacity and the results of pilot classroom observations. The IEQ results are reported on a scale of I 00 to 400 and provides information about how the institution is performing compared to expected criteria. Institution IEQ 331.4
The average IEQ score for Alabama school districts is 290. The IEQ for Pike Road Schools is 331.4.

The AdvancED team commented that Pike Road students were able to articulate what they learn and why better than any students they had ever interviewed. Two of the ten members who had served on over 100 review teams each commented that this was the best review they had seen.

– Powerful Practice #1 The system exhibits a strong commitment to a well-defined -statement of purpose based on specific beliefs about teaching and learning.
– Powerful Practice #2 The leaders of the system have skillfully and successfully engaged Pike Road stakeholders in the achievement of the system’s purpose and direction.
– Powerful Practice #3. The philosophy of “Think. Create. Innovate: The Pike Road Way,” has driven the system to provide a wide variety of focused information, material and human resources to reach the system’s vision and support the curriculum and learning needs of Pike Road Students.
– Improvement Priority #1 Develop and implement a comprehensive process for assessing program and organizational effectiveness.
– Improvement Priority #2 Develop, implement, evaluate, and systemically revise a strategic plan that focuses on the most critical components of school improvement and is informed by the system’s vision, mission, and guiding documents that have brought the system to where they are.


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